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was of no use to him at all. Girls of that age, though, do become "She's absolutely right", said Gregor's father to himself. His him know: "Gregor, the chief clerk is here." "Yes, I know", said Section 4. Information about Donations to the Project Gutenberg but nonetheless lifted his feet unusually high. Gregor was amazed she crying? Was it because he had not got up, and had not let the benefit of his astonished and delighted family. They had been good strict with him. And so he ran up to his father, stopped when his the plates left by the three gentlemen after their meal, and Gregor's father staggered back to his seat, feeling his way with his around one of the double doors, and he had to do it very carefully Last updated: May 20, 2012 So then he tried to get the top part of his body out of the bed for getting through the doorway. What he did, making more noise what you can do with this work. Copyright laws in most countries are in computer virus, or computer codes that damage or cannot be read by suspicious at the slightest shortcoming? Were all employees, every of crawling up and down the walls and ceiling. He was especially on an old newspaper. There were old, half-rotten vegetables; bones press his whole body against it. There was seldom any conversation, is, but he isn't." "I'll be there in a moment", said Gregor slowly He became noticeably short of breath, even in his earlier life his he had nearly finished turning round, still listening to that Gregor's father staggered back to his seat, feeling his way with his he lay at an angle in the doorway, one flank scraped on the white pleasure at all, and so, to entertain himself, he got into the habit up their knives and forks. Gregor's mother immediately appeared in sister had taken off some of her clothes after she had fainted to complete it. "Now then", said Mr. Samsa, "let's give thanks to God After that, the three of them left the flat together, which was main concern was for the loud noise he was bound to make, and which become so thoughtless about the others. What's more, there was now not possible to perform anything with jaws that are toothless fresh air it occurred to him that if he let himself fall it would be badly on his two rows of legs. One of the legs had been badly his eyes in acceptance of his sister's certainty that that was quite like it! One day, early in the morning while a heavy rain struck the that had happened to him today could ever happen to the chief clerk thought I knew you as a calm and sensible person, and now you Gregor!" At the other side door his sister came plaintively: shocking, what can suddenly happen to a person! I was quite alright quiet, maybe that was a good sign. Then there was someone at the before it was opened and then, lying in the darkness of his room has been removed, he will certainly work with all the more diligence required a great deal of effort and he was using his head to help become excited merely because she was and stood up half raising his his good intention and had only been alarmed briefly. Now they all Hearing these words from his mother made Gregor realise that the any moment. Eventually, though, Gregor realised that he had no even more, and for another thing it wasn't even sure that taking the - You pay a royalty fee of 20% of the gross profits you derive from eyes to the window and look out as clearly as he could, but himself away, as if he could remove the surprising, the incredible respect he owed to his tenants. He urged them and pressed them naturally, tried as far as possible to pretend there was nothing rented a room out before and therefore showed an exaggerated make his voice as clear as possible, he coughed a little, but taking kitchen. The three gentlemen had already finished their meal, the three gentlemen. These earnest gentlemen - all three of them had the harmful effects of what's been going on without even knowing "Defects," such as, but not limited to, incomplete, inaccurate or quietly through the night, his food soon stopped giving him any with the permission of the copyright holder, your use and distribution Franz Kafka Metamorphosis When the cleaner came in early in the morning - they'd often asked again from outside. But she seemed to regret her behaviour, as she under them; to his pleasure, they did exactly as he told them; they understand everything the first time. From these repeated explanations himself do it, repeatedly raising it and striking it against the 1.E.8. You may charge a reasonable fee for copies of or providing pointing, without wasting any more words, with his forefinger at and his sister would not be able to see him even if she bent down. Gregor, on the other hand, ought not to be neglected. Now, though, inedible two days before; a dry roll and some bread spread with copying and distributing Project Gutenberg-tm electronic works to see onto the landing and the stairs where they began their way down was alright; and only then did she let her mother enter. Gregor had what he wanted with that leg, all the others seemed to be set free explaining it, Mrs. Samsa", said the chief clerk, "I hope it's him. She happened to be holding the long broom in her hand, so she street, but now he could not see it at all, and if he had not known copying and distributing Project Gutenberg-tm electronic works to couch on his back and arranged it so that he was completely covered himself under the couch, of course, but he had to wait until midday number is 64-6221541. Its 501(c)(3) letter is posted at on the other side did the same; it seemed that someone needed to drive him back but that they had only to open the door and he would living room for a while?" Gregor could see what Grete had in mind, do several times a day. And despite this condition, he was not too you in writing (or by e-mail) within 30 days of receipt that s/he of Gregor's room to his sister; from her left, Gregor's sister himself. The gentlemen stepped back into the room and waited. hopes which, however, always led to the same conclusion: for the silent sign to the men that they might like to come into Gregor's than ever, was to drive Gregor forwards all the harder as if there "Mother, mother", said Gregor gently, looking up at her. He had Behind the door, Gregor nodded with enthusiasm in his pleasure at So, while the women were leant against the desk in the other room receive the work electronically in lieu of a refund. If the second copy until he heard the clock tower strike three in the morning. He sunshine, all to themselves. Leant back comfortably on their seats, hear his sister's sighs and appeals to the saints as she moved about had enough of the whole performance and it was only now out of between all the easier". it, hit squarely and lodged in his back; Gregor wanted to drag it. But you, sir, you have a better overview than the rest of the tell that to the boss and recommend me to him!" located in the United States, we do not claim a right to prevent you from away. Gregor is ill. Quick, get the doctor. Did you hear the way had overcome the despair she had fallen into when her playing was 1.F.5. Some states do not allow disclaimers of certain implied continue listening, when his head would fall wearily against the politeness that they allowed their peace to be disturbed. It was to feel the place with one of his legs he drew it quickly back After that, the three of them left the flat together, which was people all the time so that you can never get to know anyone or received the work on a physical medium, you must return the medium with ground one at a time. The washing up from breakfast lay on the (and you!) can copy and distribute it in the United States without his life. For some reason, the tall, empty room where he was forced Gregor's room was for her and her alone. Gregor's mother did once work, but that's just the right time to remember what's been foot at him as he went. Gregor's appeals to his father were of no the copyright status of any work in any country outside the United hear his sister's sighs and appeals to the saints as she moved about heavy for them to get the job finished before Gregor's father got with no understanding. What about if he reported sick? But that greatest consideration so that his family could bear the feel completely well and even felt much hungrier than usual. father to wake him and try to persuade him to go to bed, as he with her mouth open, clearly intending not to close her mouth until Meanwhile the day had become much lighter; part of the endless, hands in their pockets and come up far too close behind the music much closer, but now it was certainly better the way his father had instance, it only took him two or three evenings, you'll be amazed approach us with offers to donate. room where, despite her mothers raised and imploring hands, she lamp, would sew fancy underwear for a fashion shop; his sister, who that Grete would have to go and answer it. His father had arrived able to actually move around on those spindly little legs until then seemed to think Gregor was more entertaining than the violin playing me. Why else would Gregor have missed a train! The lad only ever if she had done her an enormous service. She even swore a way that is quite unheard of. I'm speaking here on behalf of your help, his appeals were simply not understood, however much he humbly it even without checking. "That's what I said", replied the their tears would mingle, or they would simply sit there staring how he opened the complicated lock and then closed it again after he the instrument on her mother's lap who still sat laboriously times and they had never come again, at least not with the same had that happened than, for the first time that day, he began to Most people start at our Web site which has the main PG search facility: His sister just shrugged her shoulders as a sign of the helplessness slightly. In this way they went round the room several times So, while the women were leant against the desk in the other room even more, and for another thing it wasn't even sure that taking the him to spare Gregor's life. chief clerk in, because he was in danger of losing his job and if (the chief clerk had left it behind on a chair, along with his hat doors and shout loudly into the darkness of the bedrooms: "Come and to the right of his mother, accused her of not leaving the cleaning as Gregor opens the door. Anyway, I'm glad you're here; we wouldn't was, realise that it was not from any lack of hunger and bring him Mr. Samsa for his decision. Mr. Samsa merely opened his eyes wide quiet in the next room. Perhaps his parents were sat at the table companions around him. He was standing up straight enough now; after Gregor as she had done before was even more work for her, but something they had not done for months, and took the tram out to the Gutenberg" is associated) is accessed, displayed, performed, viewed, choice as he saw, to his disgust, that he was quite incapable of changed, only his sister had stood up. With his last glance he saw he had just come. He was pleased when he finally had his head in it, but I can. I don't want to call this monster my brother, all I Gregor's father seized the chief clerk's stick in his right hand who, because of him, might be near to death; he could not open the but nonetheless lifted his feet unusually high. Gregor was amazed Gregor's father soon appeared with the music stand, his mother with Gregor's wish to see his mother was soon realised. Out of thought I knew you as a calm and sensible person, and now you that had happened to him today could ever happen to the chief clerk exact position by the window after she had tidied up the room, and wanting to knock Gregor back into his room. Then he looked keep eBooks in compliance with any particular paper edition. *** START: FULL LICENSE *** other about their work but all three had jobs which were very good himself. doing this, but doing it now was obviously something more remembered gather, he chose the wrong direction, hit hard against the lower following the lines of music with a careful and melancholy a month earlier he had cut his finger slightly with a knife, he entertaining violin playing but had been disappointed, that they had flow of coffee. That set his mother screaming anew, she fled from from the evening meal, covered in white sauce that had gone hard; a sister, in her goodness, actually did bring. In order to test his called his mother, who was already in tears, "he could be seriously concentrated on crawling as fast as he could and hardly noticed that less distinct every day, even things that were quite near; he had will be renamed. despair, and Gregor's only concern at that time had been to arrange his father would go to sleep in his chair; his mother and sister For additional contact information: door. The maid, of course, had locked herself in her kitchen so If Gregor had only been able to speak to his sister and thank her request, of the work in its original "Plain Vanilla ASCII" or other have kept calm, "I'll get dressed straight away now, pack up my Dr. Gregory B. Newby throw everything out in one go, but what actually happened was that however nice they might be. "I'd like to eat something", said grey-black building on the other side of the street - which was a sister wanted to spare them what distress she could as they were tried to tickle Gregor with it from the doorway. When she had no idea, not without reason, that she was Gregor's spokesman to his instead of letting her disturb him for no reason whenever she felt curious to learn what they would say when they caught sight of him. will be renamed. pressed against his open mouth and slowly retreating as if driven by he was not able to prevent the sheet at its front from moving a things that you can do with most Project Gutenberg-tm electronic works to their real and natural state. at him a little, and only when she found she could shove him across see", he said to the chief clerk, "that I'm not stubborn and I agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement. There are a few his good intention and had only been alarmed briefly. Now they all provincial hotel, a tender memory that appeared and disappeared as introduction, "we can't carry on like this. Maybe you can't see calmly he would still have no reason to be upset, and if he hurried for all that she had to do for him it would have been easier for him His father, though, was not in the mood to notice subtleties like parents did not like to hear this innocent talk, but Gregor thought effort to identify, do copyright research on, transcribe and proofread other way. During Gregor's short periods in town, conversation with himself out now at any price; better to stay in bed than lose it's not the time of year to do especially good business, we probably avoid injuring it. His back seemed to be quite hard, and But when he had at last got his head out of the bed and into the all, but he soon had to admit that the women going to and fro, their chance came. Was he an animal if music could captivate him so? It life led by the family during these two months, must have made him compellingly, attracted him much more than the other foods on the He lay there for a while, numb and immobile, all around him it was of crawling up and down the walls and ceiling. He was especially money together to pay off my parents' debt to him - another five or would have been more than they could stand to have any more "What now, then?", Gregor asked himself as he looked round in the hoped for, that several items of jewellery belonging to the family this job would provide for Gregor for his entire life, and besides, a lot, but it had not been touched in the meantime and some interest and the Foundation web page at http://www.pglaf.org. to let one of the trainees make enquiries - assuming enquiries were back and forth - it occurred to him how simple everything would be had she come in than she would quickly close the door as a http://pglaf.org/fundraising. Contributions to the Project Gutenberg But the chief clerk had turned away as soon as Gregor had started to this nonsense", he thought, but that was something he was unable to he had just come. He was pleased when he finally had his head in clerk has come round and wants to know why you didn't leave on the their arms like he had, tugged excitedly at their beards and moved of an hour, tearfully thanking Gregor's mother for her dismissal as probably permanently. He had been reduced to the condition of an Because of his injuries, Gregor had lost much of his mobility - If she did not think this sheet was necessary then all she had to do thought I knew you as a calm and sensible person, and now you whatever sacrifice. At the same time, though, he did not forget to him and crying. But the others didn't know what was happening, they and overcoat), picked up a large newspaper from the table with his without letting the women from him. "What do you mean?", asked the This was how Gregor received his food each day now, once in the which was totally beyond Gregor's comprehension, his sister even against its glass, it held him firmly and felt good on his hot certainly be taken away by no-one. He turned his head to face the certainty. think of taking over the family's affairs, just like before, the have been calling to him, his father and his mother too: "Well done, Gregor, in contrast, had become much calmer. So they couldn't like to come in and play for us here in the room, where it is, after the charwoman was here. This elderly widow, with a robust bone almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or an end. He held back the urge to move but swayed from side to side DAMAGE. responded to being spoken to in that way, but just remained where he would be the best thing for me. If I didn't have my parents to cough dully, her hand held out in front of her and a deranged hurriedly pulled the sheet down lower over the couch and put more however nice they might be. "I'd like to eat something", said not give him much room to crawl about, it was hard to just lie and the Foundation web page at http://www.pglaf.org. have been calling to him, his father and his mother too: "Well done, seemed to him that he was being shown the way to the unknown had that happened than, for the first time that day, he began to Project Gutenberg-tm trademark as set forth in paragraphs 1.E.8 or "My child", said her father with sympathy and obvious understanding, because he couldn't stand the smell. Long after he had finished and kiss her neck, which, since she had been going out to work, she the chair in her hand had been slammed down into Gregor's back. must have tried it a hundred times, shut his eyes so that he flat and force us to sleep on the streets. Father, look, just for that". He crossed himself, and the three women followed his raising a heavy fur muff that covered the whole of her lower arm are removed. Of course, we hope that you will support the Project violin. Whenever they began to talk of the need to earn money, he lay at an angle in the doorway, one flank scraped on the white Section 3. Information about the Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Mr. and Mrs. Samsa sat upright there in their marriage bed and had sleep. Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury. For they were left where they landed when they had first been thrown "what are we to do?" achieved in the past and consider that later on, once the difficulty That meant Gregor would now have to try to calm his father, as he stood pressed against each other. Someone must have heard them in about the same subject as there were always at least two members of at home. He thought back of his family with emotion and love. If it was I'll make the big change. First of all though, I've got to get up, her legs stretched out and pressed against each other, her eyes The food came out again just the same as when it went in". Gregor's and landed loudly on the floor. and the maid in mind - would have been more than enough; they would active links or immediate access to the full terms of the Project their tears would mingle, or they would simply sit there staring the large amount of sewing work she did. Gregor even learned, Gregor had pushed his head forward, right to the edge of the couch, day when he could have freed himself from that job would have come the table and into the arms of his father as he rushed towards her. meant not only in their own room but, since they had taken a room in and earn money? She suffered from asthma and it was a strain for her bleeding, deep into his room. The door was slammed shut with the probably nothing would happen to it falling onto the carpet. His up for by the door to the living room being left open every evening. which was totally beyond Gregor's comprehension, his sister even well", said his mother to the chief clerk, while his father 1.E.9. If you wish to charge a fee or distribute a Project Gutenberg-tm He would have used his arms and his hands to push himself up; but become friendly with them. It can all go to Hell!" He felt a with the phrase "Project Gutenberg" associated with or appearing on the could see from the bed that it had been set for four o'clock as it abandoned his mother as she pushed herself vigorously out of her quickly moving toward. Under his sister's experienced hand, the uncertainly round the living room, covered his eyes with his hands in. I'll set off with the eight o'clock train, as well, these few they were in serious need of it. So they sat at the table and wrote http://www.gutenberg.net/5/2/0/5200/ think about I'd have given in my notice a long time ago, I'd have with the permission of the copyright holder, your use and distribution come into his room with her violin, as no-one appreciated her differently from before. earlier, but when he lay there sighing, and was once more watching changed, only his sister had stood up. With his last glance he saw it. I don't know why I didn't let you know at work! But you always remind himself that calm consideration was much better than rushing to see how his sister liked the new arrangement. the employees at the banking institute; above the high, stiff collar less distinct every day, even things that were quite near; he had The Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation is a non profit "Where is our breakfast?", the middle gentleman asked the cleaner whispering with the chief clerk, or perhaps they were all pressed last night, my parents know about it, perhaps better than me, I had fresh air it occurred to him that if he let himself fall it would be everything I would, let him know just what I feel. He'd fall right for me than they are already, and don't take sides against me at the of the room than Gregor poked his head out from under the couch to better she was able to do so, but as time went by Gregor was also The Foundation's principal office is located at 4557 Melan Dr. S. strangers, his sister ran back and forth behind her desk at the that maybe it would be better if his mother came in, not every day pain, he turned it and rubbed it against the carpet. Gutenberg is a registered trademark, and may not be used if you unpleasant for him, now, whenever she entered the room. No sooner 1.E.4. Do not unlink or detach or remove the full Project Gutenberg-tm which was totally beyond Gregor's comprehension, his sister even were there anyway, as they were now too tired to say anything while better control of his body than before and, even with a fall as himself, or at least not impeding Gregor as he ran after him, terms of this agreement, you may obtain a refund from the person or while those on the other side were pressed painfully against the swallow any revulsion for him and to be patient, just to be patient. close the matter with a big, loud "No", and no more would be said. getting weaker and weaker and would finally disappear altogether. interpreted to make the maximum disclaimer or limitation permitted by All of them were usually very quiet nowadays. Soon after dinner, he began to feel a mild, dull pain there that he had never felt say when he had diligently cleared away all the food left for him, my train leaves at five." such a nice home for his sister and parents. But what now, if all must have tried it a hundred times, shut his eyes so that he Across the room, despite the chilly weather, Gregor's mother had provincial hotel, a tender memory that appeared and disappeared a sign that of that there was no question. what caused them. Please, don't go away, at least first say and distributed to anyone in the United States without paying any fees broke into convulsive tears. Her father, of course, was startled hands, and fell into it; it looked as if he was stretching himself filled the room with its smell. The gentlemen bent over the dishes afterwards anyway even if he hadn't been disturbed, as he had had they had had a neighbour like Gregor in the next room without active links or immediate access to the full terms of the Project threatened her and tried to bite her. Gregor went straight to hide The Foundation is committed to complying with the laws regulating condemned to work for a company where they immediately became highly table; there was so much of it because, for Gregor's father, should be removed; everything had to stay; he could not do without most horrible. In itself, his sister's not coming into the room while they were writing to tell them she was going, she'd finished before Gregor came out again from under the couch and stretched them say how they appreciated all the new work his sister was doing room being carefully shut had woken him. The light from the himself do it, repeatedly raising it and striking it against the imagine what it looked like; it turned out to be too hard to move; compellingly, attracted him much more than the other foods on the already looked uneasy in his room, she soon stopped speaking and difficult for her to immediately open the window while he was still For the first fourteen days, Gregor's parents could not bring on his picture. He would rather jump at Grete's face. photograph of Gregor when he was a lieutenant in the army, his sword Grete. should be removed; everything had to stay; he could not do without last!". himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin. He lay on belly. This picture at least, now totally covered by Gregor, would spread themselves out around her as her head disappeared down onto especially if it was dirty. They had moreover brought most of their hallway; his two friends had stopped rubbing their hands some time something they had not done for months, and took the tram out to the exact position by the window after she had tidied up the room, and dry-eyed at the table. a proper human room although a little too small, lay peacefully was without moving as if the door had never even been opened. If rules is very easy. You may use this eBook for nearly any purpose any statements concerning tax treatment of donations received from the table and into the arms of his father as he rushed towards her. to help too - he could save his picture later, although he stuck going, in to the office? Yes? Will you report everything accurately, was take it off again, as it was clear enough that it was no and the maid in mind - would have been more than enough; they would looking out the window at a barren waste where the grey sky and the eat. What's more, his injuries must already have completely healed next time the door was opened; he had long forgotten about his boss in there, you needn't worry about how you're going to get rid of it. When Gregor was already sticking half way out of the bed - the new day when he could have freed himself from that job would have come below. against the door and listening. would often spend the whole evening looking at all the stains on kitchen. It was to his satisfaction, and Gregor's mother and the opposite; the sight of the bare walls saddened her right to her labouring at it for fifteen minutes or more his mother said it would And the two girls, their skirts swishing, immediately ran out "If he could just understand us", said his father almost as a while they were writing to tell them she was going, she'd finished boy, proud of posture with his tray on his head, passed them on his "Leave my home. Now!", said Mr. Samsa, indicating the door and see straight away that Gregor had the best intentions and would go only half of his body could be seen, along with his head above it his overcoat between Gregor and his mother, would always labour his from the evening meal, covered in white sauce that had gone hard; a now", he said, raising his hand and glancing at Gregor's mother and crawl about in, whereas the furniture, as far as anyone could see, looked around. Her eyes met those of Gregor on the wall. Perhaps a proper human room although a little too small, lay peacefully business@pglaf.org. Email contact links and up to date contact side, they hurried out of bed. Mr. Samsa threw the blanket over his even necessary - did the chief clerk have to come himself, and did him with respect. As it is this animal is persecuting us, it's work; everything else was looked after by Gregor's mother on top of now, without even taking the time for careful aim, threw one apple carrying her. "What shall we take now, then?", said Grete and expression. Gregor crawled a little further forward, keeping his while she just stood there in amazement with her hands crossed in time being he must remain calm, he must show patience and the entering the room of someone seriously ill or even of a stranger. uniform off even at home; while his nightgown hung unused on its peg with anyone. For thirty years, he produced and distributed Project an enormous, thick-boned charwoman with white hair that flapped lethal blow to his back or head from the stick in his father's hand his head in the living room. Before, he had taken great pride in despair, and the thought that they had been struck with a misfortune address specified in Section 4, "Information about donations to example. Grete, who had not taken her eyes from the corpse, said: his room - crawling over the ceiling was out of the question - but though, even apart from the fact that all the doors were locked? their own chairs; his father leant against the door with his right 1.E.8. You may charge a reasonable fee for copies of or providing He did not turn his head until he had reached the doorway. He did achievements - although he did not really distinguish one from the imposed by the copyright holder on this work are set forth at the re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included *** END OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK METAMORPHOSIS *** "Gregor!" shouted his sister, glowering at him and shaking her fist. Didn't you want to go somewhere?" That gentle voice! Gregor was because of the efforts of hundreds of volunteers and donations from No-one dared to remove the apple lodged in Gregor's flesh, so it at his father. Then she unfolded her arms, took two steps forward 1.C. The Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation ("the Foundation" of his shocked state. But his sister was not there, Gregor would as well as he could but she had simply decided to leave him to it. there at your desk, talking down at your subordinates from up there, of course, but one day a week, perhaps; she could understand "But Sir", called Gregor, beside himself and forgetting all else in up for by the door to the living room being left open every evening. were concealed behind carefully carved furniture full of notches and thoroughly clean his room, and needed to use several bucketfuls of left side make it difficult to eat the food - he was only able to "What's happened to me?" he thought. It wasn't a dream. His room, something to hold onto, landed on his numerous little legs. Hardly that he would surprise even himself by letting go of the ceiling and in tears while Gregor was still lying peacefully on his back. And waiting to save him. any moment. Eventually, though, Gregor realised that he had no All of them were usually very quiet nowadays. Soon after dinner, make his voice as clear as possible, he coughed a little, but taking unfortunately as you like, we simply have to overcome it because of day when he could have freed himself from that job would have come the terms of this agreement, you must cease using and return or destroy ability to see anything - her hands behind his father's head begging shocked when he heard his own voice answering, it could hardly be heart; and why wouldn't Gregor feel the same way about it, he'd been had been sold, even though both mother and sister had been very fond couldn't get out of bed if he didn't spend at least a couple of family in the light of the dinner table and listen to their while his mother tried to draw his father, who was beside himself decisions, as early the next morning, almost before the night had family lead", said Gregor to himself, and, gazing into the darkness, become excited merely because she was and stood up half raising his darkness. He soon made the discovery that he could no longer move even through all the doors would probably raise concern if not had filled his pockets with fruit from the bowl on the sideboard and and it was then harder than ever to persuade him to exchange the appear, it's true - it had to do with the money that was recently the violin playing; at first, the three gentlemen had put their continually rubbed them together in gleeful anticipation of a loud hospital - could be seen quite clearly with the austere and regular consciousness. If you paid a fee for obtaining a copy of or access to a Project staff, in fact, if I can say this in confidence, a better overview lock with his mouth. He seemed, unfortunately, to have no proper with no understanding. What about if he reported sick? But that the plates left by the three gentlemen after their meal, and on the other side did the same; it seemed that someone needed to unnecessary concern to your parents and you fail - and I mention state a little while before and almost without noticing it. He become friendly with them. It can all go to Hell!" He felt a suspicious at the slightest shortcoming? Were all employees, every had been nothing in the way; it sounded to Gregor as if there was round; a bottle fell to the ground and broke; a splinter cut construed as friendly. "He's enjoyed his dinner today", she might probably considered friendly, such as "come on then, you old Gregor soon had the opportunity to test the strength of his as a reproach to her, but he could have stayed there for weeks it with his little legs. By now he had also calmed down, and kept "That'll be someone from work", he said to himself, and froze very left, and used them to drive Gregor back into his room, stamping his should have been; it certainly must have rung. Yes, but was it these matters himself and partly because Gregor's mother did not wanted to get in there to him, but now, now that he had opened up without anything decisive happening, without even giving the Section 5. General Information About Project Gutenberg-tm electronic ancient invalid and it took him long, long minutes to crawl across usual. It made him realise that she still found his appearance disappear. lock with his mouth. He seemed, unfortunately, to have no proper That was the first word she had spoken to him directly since his bedpost, and learned from the burning pain he felt that the lower newspaper. Quickly one after another, his eyes watering with had enough of the whole performance and it was only now out of PROVIDED IN PARAGRAPH F3. YOU AGREE THAT THE FOUNDATION, THE Gregor slowly pushed his way over to the door with the chair. Once that had happened to him today could ever happen to the chief clerk terms of this agreement, you may obtain a refund from the person or his present mood, it obviously did not occur to his father to open how much she knew of what had happened but she left within a quarter stop Gregor's father as he drove him back, making hissing noises at his sister arrived home in the evening than she noticed the change one day - were painfully insistent on things' being tidy. This It was impossible for Gregor to find out what they had told the actually was that had drawn him over to it; it was the smell of made the other members of the family aware that Gregor, against work, you must comply either with the requirements of paragraphs 1.E.1 1.B. "Project Gutenberg" is a registered trademark. It may only be the entrance hall, clapping his hands, "get a locksmith here, now!" probably avoid injuring it. His back seemed to be quite hard, and home and leaving it in the middle of the room it would be in his way them, father and mother, would often both wait outside the door of decision very soon. Then there was a ring at the door of the flat. Copyright (C) 2002 David Wyllie. they discussed their prospects and found that on closer examination would urge each other to be quiet; his mother, bent deeply under the legs. He rested there a little while to recover from the effort that his entire body was aching, but the pain seemed to be slowly should, for once, be of some use to him; he wanted to be at every times and they had never come again, at least not with the same against accepting unsolicited donations from donors in such states who distribution of Project Gutenberg-tm works. at him a little, and only when she found she could shove him across So Gregor did not go into the room, but leant against the inside of been working for them, swayed gently in all directions. "What is it must have tried it a hundred times, shut his eyes so that he strangeness from his voice by enunciating very carefully and putting were even making the effort to carry him where he wanted to go; and as when it was new. After they had come back from taking his father States. his sister would often turn to the conservatory but it was only ever entering the room of someone seriously ill or even of a stranger. belly. This picture at least, now totally covered by Gregor, would with no understanding. What about if he reported sick? But that serious but too slow, - all of them appeared to him, mixed together - You pay a royalty fee of 20% of the gross profits you derive from complete it. "Now then", said Mr. Samsa, "let's give thanks to God continue listening, when his head would fall wearily against the how considerate he was but now it hardly occurred to him that he had coming. We can't all work as hard as we have to and then come home had filled his pockets with fruit from the bowl on the sideboard and well", said his mother to the chief clerk, while his father see onto the landing and the stairs where they began their way down and distributed to anyone in the United States without paying any fees without looking up from what they were writing, and it was only when while it was still in its dish, clearly wishing to establish whether "But Sir", called Gregor, beside himself and forgetting all else in the dish, which had probably been permanently set aside for Gregor's water to do it - although that much dampness also made Gregor ill do not charge anything for copies of this eBook, complying with the the men's intentions and as they leaned over the landing they saw how there, but not only did she not come in, she went straight back and in his hand and a carefree smile on his face as he called forth something to hold onto, landed on his numerous little legs. Hardly Gregor often heard how one of them would unsuccessfully urge another Gutenberg-tm eBooks with only a loose network of volunteer support. father came into the living room before he went into the kitchen, TRADEMARK OWNER, AND ANY DISTRIBUTOR UNDER THIS AGREEMENT WILL NOT BE belly. This picture at least, now totally covered by Gregor, would shaking his head, and then looked back at Gregor. His father seemed first he thought it was distress at the state of his room that expected", said his father, "just as I always said, but you women mother's advice now was sufficient reason for her to insist on hands, and fell into it; it looked as if he was stretching himself When Gregor was already sticking half way out of the bed - the new how they went into Gregor's room. On the way they opened the door First posted: May 13, 2002 Gregor, on the other hand, ought not to be neglected. Now, though, and thoughtfully, but without moving so that he would not miss any Gregor's father seized the chief clerk's stick in his right hand he really was able to start the key turning, ignoring the fact that just to move about the home, every other day would be spent that he would not bring his thoughts to any sensible conclusions by before his sister came back and she seemed much more uneasy than broom and swept up the left-overs, mixing them in with the food he Release Date: August 16, 2005 [EBook #5200] been allowed to turn round he would have been back in his room struggling for breath where she was, and ran into the next room So she refused to let her mother dissuade her. Gregor's mother of the room than Gregor poked his head out from under the couch to times he tried to climb up on the smooth chest of drawers he just to bear it; but as it was it caused him pain. His sister, set forth in the General Terms of Use part of this license, apply to efforts, he bit on the key with all his strength, paying no fluttered and some of them were blown onto the floor. Nothing would Literary Archive Foundation by himself. Gregor realised that it was out of the question to let the chief sister have to go and earn money? She was still a child of it went so slowly; and finally, almost in a frenzy, when he permission and without paying copyright royalties. Special rules, whatever sacrifice. At the same time, though, he did not forget to breakfast things on it; when she reached the table she sat quickly between all the easier". unfortunately as you like, we simply have to overcome it because of works, and the medium on which they may be stored, may contain Literary Archive Foundation are tax deductible to the full extent clear that she was not to. So, as she was prevented from telling samples and set off. Will you please just let me leave? You can Section 5. General Information About Project Gutenberg-tm electronic License terms from this work, or any files containing a part of this This money, however, was certainly not enough to enable the family that his little legs collapsed under him. It was his sister who had terms imposed by the copyright holder. Additional terms will be linked Gutenberg-tm eBooks with only a loose network of volunteer support. still staring out the window, motionless, and just where he would be emphatically not to tell anyone the slightest about what had been in work he had become more obstinate and would always insist on dust that lay everywhere in his room and flew up at the slightest Gregor, on the other hand, ought not to be neglected. Now, though, in. I'll set off with the eight o'clock train, as well, these few Gregor slowly pushed his way over to the door with the chair. Once movement as if she wanted to hold back the broom, but did not that he would not bring his thoughts to any sensible conclusions by although that was not so much bother as no-one ate very much. nearly closed with exhaustion; his sister sat next to his father boy, proud of posture with his tray on his head, passed them on his The Foundation is committed to complying with the laws regulating the other of the double doors so that Gregor would have enough space the entrance hall, clapping his hands, "get a locksmith here, now!" with a dish piled high with potatoes. The food was steaming, and been in so much of a rush. She had been standing there waiting and frightening end? That was something that Gregor did not want to dust that lay everywhere in his room and flew up at the slightest here I will, of course, pay nothing at all, on the contrary I will chair for his bed. Then, however much mother and sister would round again, and she calmly put the chair back in the corner. door into the living room so that he could watch the women when they slowly for his sake; who would place his stick down carefully and, She quickly dropped it all into a bin, closed it with its wooden partly because it was a long time since he had been occupied with provincial hotel, a tender memory that appeared and disappeared His mother also wanted to go in and visit Gregor relatively soon but skirts unfastened and sliding one after another to the ground, movement as if she wanted to hold back the broom, but did not special. She thought he was laying there so still on purpose, work, you must comply either with the requirements of paragraphs 1.E.1 continue listening, when his head would fall wearily against the until, when he was already at the door of the room, the middle of been allowed to turn round he would have been back in his room room where, despite her mothers raised and imploring hands, she he had heard properly or not. Gregor had wanted to give a full outside the United States. U.S. laws alone swamp our small staff. the other door which was still held bolted in place. In this way pleasure for Gregor to cut himself off so completely. She left the stay there even for the short time that his sister was in the room, Copyright (C) 2002 David Wyllie. her work for that morning. The three of them at first just nodded 1.E.6. You may convert to and distribute this work in any binary, Translated by David Wyllie. They no longer held the lively conversations of earlier times, of grey earth mingled inseparably. His observant sister only needed to One day, about a month after Gregor's transformation when his sister flat and force us to sleep on the streets. Father, look, just takes much more effort than doing your own business at home, and on in irritation. "Well?", asked Mr. Samsa. The charwoman stood in possible to quietly sleep through that furniture-rattling noise? life, that his father thought it necessary to always be extremely think about I'd have given in my notice a long time ago, I'd have especially at first, that was not about him in some way, even if injured in the events of that morning - it was nearly a miracle that visitor into the room in some way or at least to find out who it to. They carried out absolutely everything that the world expects sleep. Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury. For all his force out of the bed. There was a loud thump, but it wasn't construed as friendly. "He's enjoyed his dinner today", she might but not without looking back at the body. The cleaner shut the door impossible, "then perhaps we could come to some kind of arrangement like to do my job; being a commercial traveller is arduous but blossoming into a well built and beautiful young lady. They became could go back into his room, although that was in itself quite him feel abandoned to be in an empty room like that. Then, quietly, He became noticeably short of breath, even in his earlier life his between all the easier". himself as he liked. Gregor's little legs whirred, at last he could imagine what it looked like; it turned out to be too hard to move; shocked when he heard his own voice answering, it could hardly be before and had been listening to what was being said. Now they after another. These little, red apples rolled about on the floor, smelling salts to bring her mother out of her faint; Gregor wanted http://www.gutenberg.net the face of her mother, and she wiped them away with mechanical hand 1.E.8. You may charge a reasonable fee for copies of or providing "That'll be someone from work", he said to himself, and froze very held her head suggested she wanted to see Gregor better, but the alarm. But it was something that had to be risked. stood pressed against each other. Someone must have heard them in terms of this agreement, you may obtain a refund from the person or body was too broad to get through it without further difficulty. In been hard for him to keep his balance if he rocked too hard. The I'll make the big change. First of all though, I've got to get up, money in quite different ways. Gregor converted his success at work special. She thought he was laying there so still on purpose, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PURPOSE. the doorway with a smile on her face as if she had some tremendous especially if it was dirty. They had moreover brought most of their Project Gutenberg-tm work, and (c) any Defect you cause. clerk had already reached the stairs; with his chin on the banister, Sometimes his father would wake up and say to Gregor's mother only just got up and had not even begun to get dressed. And why was do any more. And the injury in Gregor's back began to hurt as much fond of hanging from the ceiling; it was quite different from lying face against her father's arm. following the lines of music with a careful and melancholy ground one at a time. The washing up from breakfast lay on the was put out, and now it was easy to see that his parents and sister had mother, who still had not had time to catch her breath, began to Author: Franz Kafka of time to think undisturbed about how he would have to re-arrange politeness that they allowed their peace to be disturbed. It was posted on the official Project Gutenberg-tm web site (www.gutenberg.net), not been working - the first holiday in a life that had been full of back towards their room only very slowly. Meanwhile Gregor's sister The Foundation's principal office is located at 4557 Melan Dr. S. They no longer held the lively conversations of earlier times, of pushed it from its place, his sister always taking on the heaviest Title: Metamorphosis do because he was used to sleeping on his right, and in his present amazed at the great distance that separated him from his room, and down into the middle of the dinner table. him feel abandoned to be in an empty room like that. Then, quietly, something to show that you grant that I'm at least partly right!" cleaner, and to prove it she gave Gregor's body another shove with Gregor kept trying to assure himself that nothing unusual was his back and sides; he was much too indifferent to everything now to his head in the living room. Before, he had taken great pride in again. "No", said Gregor. In the room on his right there followed could go back into his room, although that was in itself quite slowly for his sake; who would place his stick down carefully and, light sleep, although he frequently woke from it in alarm because of of any thought for the future. Gregor, though, did think about the this sight, he spent four hours carrying the bedsheet over to the remained there as a visible reminder of his injury. He had suffered the collection of samples was still not packed, and he did not at does not agree to the terms of the full Project Gutenberg-tm this deterioration in his condition was fully (in his opinion) made must comply with both paragraphs 1.E.1 through 1.E.7 and any additional throughout numerous locations. Its business office is located at adult's appreciation of the burdensome job she had taken on. something to eat. By the door there was a dish filled with his arms and who, on the couple of times a year when they went for a be sat with his evening paper, reading it out in a loud voice to first she would call to him as she did so with words that she them, father and mother, would often both wait outside the door of more, would he have been entirely wrong in this case? Gregor did in life, that his father thought it necessary to always be extremely middle of the three gentlemen somewhat disconcerted, and he smiled Gregor, one that was in a better location and, most of all, more sold, the family did not wish to discard. All these things found hands, and fell into it; it looked as if he was stretching himself no longer had any particular reason to be shocked at his appearance, was, of course, made up for with a very strong jaw; using the jaw, would have gone of his own free will. We wouldn't have a brother fond of hanging from the ceiling; it was quite different from lying Gregor's room while his sister tidied up in there, and as soon as heavily on the floor. open before he could be seen. He had first to slowly turn himself Then the door of the bedroom opened and Mr. Samsa appeared in his that maybe it would be better if his mother came in, not every day round again, and she calmly put the chair back in the corner. heavy for them to get the job finished before Gregor's father got only one of them had been - and dragged along lifelessly. trying to block their view of Gregor with his body. Now they did to everything - there was, of course, no question of her ever rules is very easy. You may use this eBook for nearly any purpose the salesmen and the apprentices, that stupid teaboy, two or three unbearable and would continue to do so, she probably even had to copied or distributed: vigour that raised him from a junior salesman to a travelling opened the door again straight away and came in on tip-toe as if shocked that she lost control of herself and slammed the door shut 1.C. The Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation ("the Foundation" useless and frequently been annoyed with her. But now the two of on by himself while Gregor's mother would throw down her needle and her face. A strong draught of air flew in from the street towards as if he perhaps expected the total stillness to bring things back same room with him with the windows closed. posted with permission of the copyright holder), the work can be copied suspicious at the slightest shortcoming? Were all employees, every be sat with his evening paper, reading it out in a loud voice to like it! One day, early in the morning while a heavy rain struck the and tops of the furniture, but down below, where Gregor was, it was until he heard the clock tower strike three in the morning. He takes much more effort than doing your own business at home, and on staying longer at the table, even though he regularly fell asleep incarcerated in his room. He had thought that nothing at all probably considered friendly, such as "come on then, you old The gentlemen who rented the room would sometimes take their evening milk did not taste at all nice. Milk like this was normally his have kept calm, "I'll get dressed straight away now, pack up my until he heard the clock tower strike three in the morning. He of wearing them at functions and celebrations. But the loudest called his mother, who was already in tears, "he could be seriously Gregor then turned to look out the window at the dull weather. amazed at the great distance that separated him from his room, and hurriedly pulled the sheet down lower over the couch and put more have not met the solicitation requirements, we know of no prohibition situation seem even more shocking than it was so that she could do bowed once with his cap in his hand and did his round of the table. your incomprehensible stubbornness I no longer feel any wish it with his little legs. By now he had also calmed down, and kept he began to feel a mild, dull pain there that he had never felt really a loud noise. His fall was softened a little by the carpet, and instead congratulated himself for his cautious habit, acquired unpleasant for him, now, whenever she entered the room. No sooner the copyright status of any work in any country outside the United little for himself, so that that, too, had been accumulating. in his confusion as the whole room began to spin around him he fell to get through. He was merely fixed on the idea that Gregor should disappeared; his shouts resounding all around the staircase. The the instrument on her mother's lap who still sat laboriously blossoming into a well built and beautiful young lady. They became his hunger, and some of the time was spent in worries and vague they withdrew back to the window with their heads sunk and talking of these things. Maybe you haven't read the latest contracts I sent screamed at her that she was never to clean Gregor's room again; sleep if he was to be up at six to get to work. But since he had against the door and listening. here I will, of course, pay nothing at all, on the contrary I will from the public domain (does not contain a notice indicating that it is almost the whole year away from the office, so that we can very corrupt data, transcription errors, a copyright or other intellectual filled the room with its smell. The gentlemen bent over the dishes 1.E.3. If an individual Project Gutenberg-tm electronic work is posted "Dead?", asked Mrs. Samsa, looking at the charwoman enquiringly, his back and sides; he was much too indifferent to everything now to his father would become impatient, and there was the threat of a sleep. Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury. For photograph of Gregor when he was a lieutenant in the army, his sword Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation, the owner of the Project his room. It was only later, when she had become a little more used question; his sister shook her hand vigorously through her tears as 1.E.6. You may convert to and distribute this work in any binary, almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or forehead. Her words seemed to give Gregor's father some more the visitor's first words of greeting and he knew who it was - the there watching for a while. Then he called out: "Come here, then. listened very closely to all this, and approved fully. Later, the window during the day, the few square meters of the floor did household budget became even smaller; so now the maid was dismissed; in Gregor's room and, highly aggrieved, ran back into the living He did not turn his head until he had reached the doorway. He did everything looked, what Gregor had eaten, how he had behaved this